Sunday, November 13, 2011

It'll always be easier said than done.

October was a very, messy month i'd say. Fight after fight, and it seems to be happening to a lot of people around me. Yes, when you're in a relationship, quarrels are inevitable and some might even say necessary. Though many might not realize this but quarrels (that ends well i suppose) gives you the spark you need in the relationship. It makes it less boring i guess. Obviously quarreling 24/7 is just unhealthy but everything in moderation right? I personally feel that if the issue is not worth quarreling about or shouldn't even be deemed as an issue in the very first place, then obviously, it's stupid to start a fight. Every couple quarrels in the same way more or less. Other than the content, it's really almost the same thing? 

I hate quarreling be it with my boyfriend, with my friends, whoever. Sometimes i feel that being positive is key. Yes even when you're quarreling. By having the thought that everything is going to be alright will just make things that much better for both parties. Then again, nothing ever goes as planned. Emotions always brings out the worst in us. If only we could switch off our emotions for just that moment and we could see the problem purely as the problem is. But emotions make us human. I believe that positivity brings out the best in us. Make the best out of a possibly ugly situation too. Positivity makes you a happier person. Just a little advice, be positive and stay positive, makes life a whole lot better. 

I.Must.Be.Positive. (Y) 

Insomnia's got the best of me. :c Waking up nonstop every hour or two. The boy cooked Portobello Aglio Olio c: though it was overly peppery, i'm still a very satisfied girl! Sports day @ Nich's place was quite a failure. Had a mini table-tennis session, squash and swimming. And i did none. Hahahahahaha. Period came just in time. LOL. Swee choon for dinner. We ordered like 32 items? There was 6 of us. Crazy right. Caught 11-11-11 after. It was not bad. Overly satanic i'd say. Totally changed the "11:11 make a wish" image. And now i'm back at the boy's place! He's happily sleeping. Trying to tire myself out so that i can get at least one good night sleep with him around. 

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(via tumblr)

Yayyy i'm finally tired. Hahaha, this is such a random post.


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